Hardware is Refurbished with Standard 3 Year Warranty!
L-SL-29-SEC-K9 Cisco Security License for Cisco 2901-2951
CISCO2951-SEC/K9 Cisco 2951 Security Router Bundle
CISCO2951/K9 Cisco 2951 Router w/ 3GE, 4 EHWIC, 3 DSP, 2 SM
CISCO2921-V/K9 Cisco 2921 Router UC Bundle with PVDM32
CISCO2921-SEC/K9 Cisco 2921 Router Security Bundle
CISCO2911-V/K9 Cisco 2911 Voice Bundle, PVDM3-16, UC
L-SL-29-UC-K9 Cisco Unified Communication License for 2901-2951
CISCO2911-SEC/K9 Cisco 2911 w/ AC PWR, 3GE, 4EHWICs, 2DSP, 1SM, IP Sec, 256F/512D
CISCO2901-V/K9 Cisco 2901 Voice Bundle PVDM3-16 Uc License Pak
CISCO2901-SEC/K9 Cisco 2901 Security Bundle w/SEC Plus
CISCO2901/K9 Cisco 2901 w/2 GE, 4 EHWIC, 2 DSP, 256MB CF, 512MB DRAM, IPB
CISCO2911/K9 Cisco 2911 3GE, 4 EHWIC, 2 DSP 256CF 512MB
CISCO2921/K9 Cisco 2921 W/3 GE 4 EHWIC3 DSP1 256MB CF 512MB DRAM
EHWIC-1GE-SFP-CU Cisco Enhanced HWIC, Dual Mode 1 port SFP/Copper